Tuesday, May 31, 2011

New Job...again...

So, substitute teaching didn't last too long.  I never knew when I was working or where and always seemed to get called in about 15 minutes after I should have actually left my house, which constantly made me late and I am a little OCD so that drove me crazy!  Anyway, I lucked out (that's code for God answered my prayers) and found a job as a personal assistant which I think I am a little better suited for and at least I know I will be getting a paycheck irregardless of the workload.  Work needs to be steady.  I know I am driving my husband nuts!  But as a wife, hey I try my best and if you can't keep your husband a little on his toes it might not be so entertaining! :)  Don't know where the rest of you are, but could this rain stop?!  Montana doesn't usually have to worry about so much flooding, but this year is a whole different story.  Should we start building an arc?  Today, so far no rain and the temperatures are nicer.  Ready to finally plant my garden!  When I am finally able to post pictures, which should be soon (I hope) I will show you all my pride and joy.  Oh, and my family too! :)  They are pretty awesome!  God broke the mold with my youngest.  He killed us last night!  He told us he spits out his window because our dog eats it and sometimes can even catch it in the air on the way down.  Gross!  And so boyish!  I love boys!  The are quite entertaining! 

Monday, April 11, 2011

Tough Work!

So, what are the odds that the first two days of work I end up subing for my youngest son's class?  It was actually kind of nice because he was very helpful in letting me know what the routine was and his teacher is very organized and left very detailed instructions.  It was also fun seeing him in class.  He is very smart and competitive and insists on being the smartest kid in his class.  The other kids slowly worked through their worksheets, etc. finding as many reasons as possible to talk or get out of their seats.  Meanwhile, my son would not talk or interact with any of the kids until he was finished with the task at hand.  Proud moment for mom!  He is so ambitious and determined and I love it!  So, little bragging rights here...he is in the 1st grade and is doing 3rd grade math, is doing 4th grade reading and is the only kid in his school in the advanced reading program...and he is bored!  He wants more challenges which is awesome.  I did enjoy watching him and spending the day with him.  However, I really did not enjoy the job itself like I thought I would.  Is it just me or are there too many kids who have very messed up home lives and a huge lack of discipline?  Don't parents care?  Very frustrating to see this poor kids who have parents that just aren't involved and put forth little if any effort into parenting them...and they know they are not on the top of their parent's priority lists.  They are hurt and angry.  I am really not sure if being a sub is my cup of tea.  It is hard work, chaotic and very little pay.  I knew this would be difficult, but it was different than I had expected.  Maybe I need to give it more time.  In the meantime, feeling a bit discouraged.  I need at least part-time work, but there is not much out there unless I want to work crazy hours...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I got a job!

Finally!!!  I am now officially a substitute teacher!  Although, I must say I was shocked to find out that I didn't need a degree and there is no training...So, I asked my son's school principal if I could observe a classroom.  I still don't feel completely prepared, but I don't know what could prepare me! :)  However, this was a very helpful step and gave me ideas of what to expect and how to keep the kids engaged.  I start work tomorrow, so if anyone reads this send some prayers my way!  I am really excited because I have considered going to school to become a teacher.  Now I will have some first hand experience and that will be a good indicator if I should persue this field or not.  But, hey!  I have a job!!!! :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Good afternoon, all! :) My name is Jennifer, I'm 34 years old, married to an amazing man, I have 2 sons and 2 stepsons...yes that is 4 boys - no girls! Whew!!!  Even the cat and dog are boys...well, sort of...Right now I am a stay at home mom, but looking for a job...not at all excited about having to work outside the home, but as many of you probably have experienced it is hard to survive off of one income these days.  So in the meantime, we are keeping a positive attitude ( a negative one will not accomplish any good) and trudging forward with writing my resume', re-writing...and posting to jobs in the hopes of finding something that will help financially, but not take too much away from my family.  Does such a thing exist?  This morning I thought...hmmmm...I like to talk and encourage others...I wonder if I actually could make a little extra something blogging?  Others have come before me and accomplished this (not saying I quit looking for a job:) ) and so with a few prayers and some hope to boot...here I am world! :)  Unfortunately, I have yet to get a computer in my own home, so I am at the library...sorry for the boring blog page!  Hopefully soon I will be getting the Internet at home and then I will add to and make this a little more interesting.  Until then, I hope you will enjoy reading and maybe feeling a little encouragement in my writings.  I am an unapologetic Christian and so passionate about the Lord that I can't help but relate most everything to Him! 
Lately, the Lord has been talking with me about going through the wilderness and rounding that same mountain again.  I keep running across Deut. 8:8 where God says he lead the Israelites through the desert for 40 years to humble them and test their hearts.  God keeps tugging on my heartstrings asking me, "Why are you afraid?  Just trust me.  I hold the universe in the span of my hand; I can handle your problems, which by the way are no surprise to me.  I have a plan...trust me!"  So, I decided to take a vacation from my problems and lay in God's rest.  I prayed and asked and now I am not going to worry.  So many times we say we trust God, but then we worry all the time about everything.  That is not trust.  God's got you covered and looking through all that He has brought me through I know He can get me through so much more.  Look at the many examples of Daniel, David, Job, etc.  God can handle your Goliaths, but He wants you (and me!) to also trust Him and face our giants.  We can all have victory, but we can't do it laying on the couch!  Today, my giant is an income.  Somehow, someway I do need to bring in some money to help take some weight off my poor husband's heavy shoulders.  Tomorrow there will be some new trial, but rather than ask God to remove the trial I ask that He strengthen me and provide the tools to attack it!  I want to be stronger and wiser, not just to have every obstacle removed so I don't have to deal with it.  Because one thing I learned a long time ago is that God is more interested in my character (good morals and strength) and my integrity (honesty and sincerity) than He is with my comfort.  And I am thankful He loves me that much!
I pray these words are encouraging and I get some feedback.  If you are looking for some good books of encouragement to read, try Fearless by Max Lucado.  Half way through and loving it!